The past year has been, in a word, nuts. I’ve lived in three states, traveled to five countries, got engaged, bought a house…I think that covers the big stuff. Dan and I are settled semi-permanently (as permanently as you ever are in the military) in Oklahoma City, which means I’ve left my beloved Richmond, VA for at least the time being. Moving is both exciting (New house! New restaurants! New neighborhoods to explore!) and terrifying (I don’t have any friends! how the hell do you meet people when you work from home? They don’t do growlers here?! I miss my friends!).
Christmastime was a little rough and lonely being so far from home, but it made for a lot of time to think about what I want to do in the next year, both personally and professionally. If I’ve slacked in one area of my life recently, it’s learning new tricks. I haven’t pushed myself creatively in a while, and it’s resulted in a bit of creative ennui.
And so, I’m going to fix that. I spent a lot of our Christmas staycation working on a couple of web projects that I love – this site being one of them. Instead of setting crazy lofty goals for all this website will achieve, I’m going to do exactly what we advise our clients to do – take it live, see how it evolves, and adapt.